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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It’s not personal.

It’s really not personal. This is a business. I know most actors know this and/or hear this advice all the time, and it’s hard not to take it personally when you put yourself out there over and over and nine out of ten times meet rejection. My advice is to take ten minutes, or an hour, or a day or two, if you need it, and mourn the loss of that role, and then move on to the next. Remind yourself that there are a million reasons you may not have booked this particular role and it might not even have anything to do with how your audition went at all. The only thing you can control is how prepared you are. That’s all. So move on to the next one, give that one all of your focus and maybe that’ll be the one. If not… On to the next.


  1. I agree we sometimes need a short mourning period.

    I do want to say on behalf of struggling actors, however, that we're not mourning our egos, or taking it personally, but we're mourning the life we would have been able to afford if we had booked that job. Sometimes booking a job means being able to visit our family for the holidays.

    Thanks for this post.
