Every so often a film casts someone so unbearably wrong for a role that it literally keeps me up at night. And guess what? It’s (possibly) happened again. I’m still holding my breath for someone to admit that this is just some bad internet rumor and NOT TRUE, but in this day and age of Hollywood, I’m pretty sure it’s really happening. AND IT KILLS ME!!!
WARNING: This is going to get rant-y and there will most likely be strong language involved.
So, you guys! I admit it. I’m a total musical theater nerd! Like, for reals. Like, I can sing Into the Woods word for word. Every part. (See also: Sweeny Todd, Westside Story, Sunset Boulevard, The Fantasticks, Pippin, JC Superstar, Miss Saigon, and many, many, many more.) So when they announced that there would be a movie version of Les Miserables, I jumped up and down and screamed and immediately started making mental notes of who would be my dream cast.
I’d like to take this time to break down my feelings for the real casting. Role by role. (See? This is how passionate I am about these things!)
Jean ValJean: Hugh Jackman – I approve wholeheartedly.
Javert: Russel Crow – ehhh, I’m a little concerned about his singing voice in this role, but acting wise, he’s spot on. (Please don’t let him do to this role what Helena Bonham Carter did to Sweeny Todd!)
Fantine: Anne Hathaway – She can sing it. She can act it. However, she’s a little contemporary for me for this. But ultimately, I approve.
The Thenardiers: Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen – LOVE IT! Even though HBC can’t sing, this role does not require the singing talent that Sweeney Todd did. (I read somewhere a while back that Mr. Thenardiers was going to be Geoffrey Rush and as much as I love Sasha Baron Cohen, I like Geoffrey Rush for this even more. Oh well. SBC will be great.)
Marius: Eddie Redmayne – oooh. I’m intrigued. He’s perfect, now here’s hoping he can sing it. And THANK GOD it isn’t that freaking Jonas brother who fucked up the awesome 25th anniversary PBS thing! Whew!
Cosette: Amanda Seyfried – I called that day one. She’ll be good. I do kind of wish they would’ve gone with a somewhat unknown Broadway gal for this though.
Eponine: TAYLOR SWIFT!?! – Are you guys on CRACK? Did you SEE Valentine’s day?
Look, I actually like Taylor Swift. I think she’s gorgeous, and funny, and an AMAZING songwriter, and a good country singer (when properly produced, not live. Remember the Grammys when she sang with Stevie Nicks? Oy.) But just because someone can sing, it doesn’t mean they can sing everything. Taylor Swift is not a Broadway belter. She’s a whispery country girl. UGH! I can’t even…
And then there’s the acting thing. Apart from the fact that the girl is one of the worst actors I’ve ever seen in my life – she’s so bad Taylor Lautner looked like Robert De Niro next to her in Valentine’s Day – she couldn’t be more wrong for the part.
Say what you will about Lea Michele, but at least she would have sung the shit out of that role.
Anyway, I will probably go see this movie because, well, it’s LES MIS! But I am not happy about TAYLOR FUCKING SWIFT. If I were Nina Gold, I’d ask that my credit read: Casting by Nina Gold (except for Taylor Swift. That was Tom Hooper and Universal trying to get young people to come see the film. I completely understand that she is wrong for the part and cannot act her way out of a paper bag.)
Where’s Kanye when you really need him?
Sorry for the rant but I’m very passionate about my musicals. Thanks for bearing with me and I hope everyone had happy and safe holidays.