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Monday, August 15, 2011

“It too late to apologize. It’s too late.” (Thank you One Republic)

Throughout my career, I have encountered many, many lovely actors. Of course I get to meet them when they’re usually on their best behavior. However, occasionally, there are a few that are, shall we say… not so lovely. I encountered most of those back in my earlier days, when I was an assistant. 

My first encounter like this was with an actor who thought he was a bigger deal than he was. He tried to tell me that he shouldn’t have to wait like everyone else, that he should get special treatment. I told him that I that I would poke my head into the audition room and confirm this with my boss. This made him angry so he started making jokes at my expense. The other actors in the waiting room were uncomfortable, but he thought he was pretty funny. I didn’t let him go in before everyone else, but I did tell my boss (in front of the Producers) what he had done. He didn’t get the role. And not because he wasn’t good. Because the producers didn’t want him acting like a jerk to someone else on the set. 

My boss shared his behavior with his agent and he ended up sending me flowers to apologize. A nice thought, but the damage had already been done. I begrudgingly continue to bring him in to this day and have even hired him, but every time I see him I remember that first encounter and it sours my taste.

LESSON: Be nice to everyone! And not just because you never know who they know or where they’ll end up, but because it just plain ol’ common decency.

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